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Death Valley Junction, CA - Amargosa Hotel Interior-2

First called Amargosa, meaning "bitter water" in the Paiute language, this tiny town situated in the Mojave Desert, is today home to less than a half dozen people. Getting its start as a borax mining community, several historic buildings continue to stand today including the Amargosa Hotel and Opera House, which still cater to visitors. Amargosa Hotel in Death Valley Junction, California. Photo by Kathy Weiser-Alexander.
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Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Places of Interest
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:California, amargosa, commercial, death valley, death valley junction, download, editorial, hotel, image, interior, pacific borax company, photo, photograph, picture, print, stock

Death Valley Junction, CA - Amargosa Hotel Interior-2