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40 photos

Albuquerque, NM - Harvey Indian Building, 1933

Albuquerque, NM - Harvey Indian Building, 1933

Albuquerque, NM - El Vado Motel

Albuquerque, NM - El Vado Motel

Tucumcari, NM - Blue Swallow Motel Neon

Tucumcari, NM - Blue Swallow Motel Neon

Acoma Pueblo, NM - Ladder

Acoma Pueblo, NM - Ladder

Grants, NM - Cafe

Grants, NM - Cafe

Los Cerrillos, NM - Church

Los Cerrillos, NM - Church

Madrid, NM - Gas Station

Madrid, NM - Gas Station

Newkirk, NM - Church

Newkirk, NM - Church

Santa Rosa, NM - Comet Drive-In Signs

Santa Rosa, NM - Comet Drive-In Signs

White Oak, NM - Brown Store

White Oak, NM - Brown Store

Mogollon, NM - General Store

Mogollon, NM - General Store

Colfax, NM - Old Store

Colfax, NM - Old Store

Dawson, NM - Cemetery Tombstone

Dawson, NM - Cemetery Tombstone

Elizabethtown, NM - Mutz Hotel, 2004

Elizabethtown, NM - Mutz Hotel

Fort Union, NM - Ruins - 2

Fort Union, NM - Ruins - 2

Johnson Mesa, NM - Top of the Mesa

Johnson Mesa, NM - Top of the Mesa

Las Vegas, NM - Castaneda Hotel - 2

Las Vegas, NM - Castaneda Hotel - 2

Las Vegas, NM - Plaza Our Lady of Sorrows

Las Vegas, NM - Plaza Our Lady of Sorrows

Pecos National Park, NM - Mission - 2

Pecos National Park, NM - Mission - 2

Santa Fe, NM - Oldest House - 2

Santa Fe, NM - Oldest House - 2