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Billings, MT - 17 Bar and Club Sign, 1980

The 17 Bar in Billings, Montana was located in the 1100 block of First Avenue North. Catering to the cowboy and cowgirl crowd, its distinctive neon sign made the target audience clear. It's said that the 17 Bar could circumvent a city ordinance prohibiting liquor from being sold on the same premises as a live music and dancing venue. The city limits, it's said, ended at the edge of the dance floor, allowing the bar to operate with live music and dancing, so long as drinks weren't carried across the city-county boundary. It closed in the late 1990s. Photo by John Margolies, 1980.
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Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:17 Bar & Club, billings, closed, gone, image, montana, picture, vanished, vintage

Billings, MT - 17 Bar and Club Sign, 1980