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60 photos
Restored vintage photos , illustrations, and posters of Patriotic people, scenes and slogans in American History, including
Freedom, Liberty, the American Flag, Heroes in American History and much more.

100 Percent American

100 Percent American

American Flag, 1942

American Flag, 1942

American Flags

American Flags

Arms of the United States, 1864

Arms of the United States, 1864

Babies and flags, 1891

Babies and flags, 1891

Bathing Beach Parade, 1919

Bathing Beach Parade, 1919

Be Patriotic, 1918

Be Patriotic, 1918

Birth of Old Glory, 1917

Birth of Old Glory, 1917

Boy sailor, 1898

Boy sailor, 1898

Celebrating the Fourth, 1894

Celebrating the Fourth, 1894

Child as liberty, 1919

Child as liberty, 1919

Dont touch my flag, 1898

Dont touch my flag, 1898

Eagle and flags, L. Prang and Co, 1861

Eagle and flags, L. Prang and Co, 1861

Flag on a Fence

Flag on a Fence

For the safety of womanhood

For the safety of womanhood

Forward America, 1917

Forward America, 1917

Fourth of July, 1906

Fourth of July, 1906

Girl posing as Columbia, 1873

Girl posing as Columbia, 1873

Glorious Banner

Glorious Banner

God and our Union, 1860

God and our Union, 1860