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12 photos

Grafton, UT - Alonzo Russell home

Grafton, UT  - Alonzo Russell home

Grafton, UT - Alonzo Russell home

Grafton, UT  - Alonzo Russell home

Grafton, UT - Ballard Home and Barn

Grafton, UT  - Ballard Home and Barn

Grafton, UT - Buildings

Grafton, UT  - Buildings

Grafton, UT - Fence Line

Grafton, UT  - Fence Line

Grafton, UT - Fence Line - 2

Grafton, UT  - Fence Line - 2

Grafton, UT - Louisa Russell Home

Grafton, UT  - Louisa Russell Home

Grafton, UT - Woods Home

Grafton, UT  - Woods Home

Grafton, UT - Cemetery - 2

Grafton, UT -  Cemetery - 2

Grafton, UT - Log Barn

Grafton, UT - Log Barn

Grafton, UT - Log Barn - 2

Grafton, UT - Log Barn - 2

Grafton, UT - School

Grafton, UT - School