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Bannack, MT - Bachelors' Row

Like other mining camps of the time, Bannack, Montana, at first, sported a tent city when miners flooded the area. Those who didn't have a tent, often slept in bedrolls near their claims, in their wagons, or sometimes built brush wickiups like the Indians. However, as the winter loomed ahead of them, it was obvious that more permanent housing would be required. A number of small cabins and shacks soon lined the hill behind Main Street, which took on the nicknmame "Bachelor's Row." Photo by Kathy Weiser-Alexander.
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Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Home and Surroundings
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Montana, bachelor row, bannack, buy, commercial, download, editorial, gallery, ghost town, gold, grasshopper creek, house, image, mining, photo, photograph, picture, print, purchase, stock

Bannack, MT - Bachelors' Row