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Bannack, MT - Bachelors' Row House

One of several houses on Bachelors' Row in Bannack, Montana. It wasn't just miners who lived on Bachelor's Row, as one of the cabins in the bottom photo belonged to the local butcher and first sheriff, Hank Crawford. In the spring of 1863, when local citizens decided that a sheriff was needed, Hank Crawford and Henry Plummer ran for the office. Plummer was non to happy at the loss and he soon went after the new sheriff with a shotgun. However, one of Crawford's friends warned him that Plummer was coming and Crawford stepped outside his cabin, steadied a rifle on a log and shot Plummer in the right arm, temporarily ruining his gunfighting abilities. Undaunted, Plummer immediately began to practice shooting with his left hand until his accuracy was just as deadly. When Hank Crawford caught wind of this, he turned in his badge and left Bannack, never to return. Plummer then went on to become the sheriff. Photo by Kathy Weiser-Alexander.
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Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Home and Surroundings
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Montana, bachelor row, bannack, buy, commercial, download, editorial, gallery, ghost town, gold, grasshopper creek, house, image, mining, photo, photograph, picture, print, purchase, stock

Bannack, MT - Bachelors' Row House