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64 photos
Vintage photos of notable Native American Chiefs and Leaders.

Apache Chief James A. Garfield

Apache Chief James A. Garfield

Apsaroke/Crow - Chief Pretty Eagle

Apsaroke/Crow - Chief Pretty Eagle

Apsaroke/Crow - Two Whistles, Medicine Man

Apsaroke/Crow - Two Whistles, Medicine Man

Blackfoot Chief, Stabbed-by-Nustah

Blackfoot Chief,  Stabbed-by-Nustah

Cherokee Chief John Jolly

Cherokee Chief John Jolly

Cherokee Chief John Ross

Cherokee Chief John Ross

Cheyenne Chief

Cheyenne Chief

Cheyenne Peyote leader

Cheyenne Peyote leader

Chief Seattle 1890

Chief Seattle 1890

Chief Turtle doing the Rain Dance, MT

Chief Turtle doing the Rain Dance, MT

Chief Victorio, Chiricahua Apache

Chief Victorio, Chiricahua Apache

Chiefs Little Wolf and Dull Knife, Northern Cheyenne

Chiefs Little Wolf and Dull Knife, Northern Cheyenne

Comanche - Chief Quanah Parker

Comanche - Chief Quanah Parker

Comanche - Chief Quanah Parker

Comanche - Chief Quanah Parker

Creek - Chief Tomochichi and Nephew

Creek - Chief Tomochichi and Nephew

Creek Chief Menawa

Creek Chief Menawa by Thomas L. McKenney

Creek Chief Micco Hutko

CreekChief Micco Hutko_color

Creek Chief Yoholo-Micco


Creek Leader Opothle Yahola

Chief OpothleyaholaLarge

Creek Leader William McIntosh

Portrait of Creek leader William McIntosh by Thomas L. McKenney

Guestbook for Chiefs & Leaders
John Chief Ross,(non-registered)
Osage Nation, OK
Your need to have some women Indian leaders. Annie Waneka was a Navajo leader. I am sure there are others.
Sean Hill(non-registered)
Proud to know and live amongst the Great Sicangu people who m I call Dear friends.