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Virginia City, MT - Content Corner Building, 1860s

The Content building, at 300 West Wallace Street, is one of the earliest two-story stone buildings built in Virginia City, Montana in 1864. Stucco scored to look like stone originally covered the rubblestone walls. Most of the Gothic style windows were removed in the 1890’s for a “modern” glass storefront. Its original owner was George P, Dorris who sold it to Solomon Content the same year it was built. Vintage photo restored by Kathy Weiser-Alexander.
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Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Virginia City, block, building, building, business, business, buy, commercial, content, content corner, download, editorial, ghost, ghosttown, gold, image, mine, mining, montana, photo, photograph, picture, print, purchase, stock, store, town

Virginia City, MT - Content Corner Building, 1860s