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316 photos

20th Century Transportation

20th Century Transportation

1880 Town, SD - Checkerboard - Art

1880 Town, SD - Checkerboard - Art

1886 Wagon

1886 Wagon

A gentleman's game, 1898

A gentleman's game, 1898

A Kodak creates a sensation

A Kodak creates a sensation

A quarrel over cards

A quarrel over cards

A Sick Chum, 1908

A Sick Chum, 1908

A Soul Kiss, 1909

A Soul Kiss, 1909

Abilene, KS Old Town - Art

Abilene, KS Old Town - Art

Across the continent, 1868

Across the continent, 1868

African American Heroes, 1881

African American Heroes, 1881

African Americans Shooting Dice

African Americans Shooting Dice

Aladdin, WY - General Store - Art

Aladdin, WY - General Store - Art

Albert Einstein, 1931

Albert Einstein, 1931

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton

Alice Lee Roosevelt

Alice Lee Roosevelt

Alice Paul making Suffrage Flag

Alice Paul making Suffrage Flag

American Express and employees, 1858

American Express and employees, 1858

American Fireman

American firemanCurrierIves1858

American Fireman to the Rescue, 1858

American firemanprompt to the rescueCurrierIves1858